ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny

  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
  • ONKRON Organizér pre mobilný stojan APP-1881, čierny
24 Mes.
Part No.:


0.03; DPH: 20%
45.75 EUR
54.90 EUR

Podrobnosti o produkte


Popis produktu:

APP1881 is a simple, but useful expansion for your mobile TV stand TS1881. It consists of the main vertical panel and the following additions: plastic shelf for your devices, a mount for cable winding and a glass for accessories. It is simple and useful. Strong plastic provides load capacity of 4.4 pounds on each element. You don’t have to choose what shelves to use because APP1881 doesn't interfere with the main middle shelves of your ONKRON TV stand.

APP1881 is an additional accessory compatible with ONKRON mobile TV stand TS1881
This accessory pack consists of acrylic vertical panel that is installed on the base of the cart, plastic shelf for your devices, a mount for cable winding and a glass for accessories
Strong acrylic material provides load capacity of 4.4 pounds on each element
The whole constriction is easy to assemble just like a puzzle game – insert desired elements into the main panel
You can use this panel as you wish and it doesn't interfere with the main middle shelves of your ONKRON TV stand

ONKRON - Trusted design, excellent support.

Zaradenie produktu


Stránky o produkte:


Technické špecifikácie sa môžu meniť bez predošlého upozornenia. Obsah aktuálneho balenia sa môže líšiť v závislosti od dátumu predaja. Obrázky majú len informatívny charakter.




Základné parametre
Určenie:  Pre notebooky 
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E-mail: online_kontakt[at]asbis.sk

Recepcia: + 421 2 321 65 111

Obchodné oddelenie: + 421 2 321 65 777

Pobočka ASBIS Košice

Moldavská cesta 8/B

040 11 Košice

Pondelok - Piatok:

od 8.30 do 17.00 hod.

E-mail: online_kontakt[at]asbis.sk

Recepcia: + 421 55 321 65 11




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+421 2 321 65 777

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