Aruba AP-505 (RW) Unified AP
99 Doživotne
Part No.:
0.13; DPH: 23%
884.00 EUR
1 087.32 EUR
Základné parametre | |
Štandard: | 802.11 ax |
Agregovaná rýchlosť : | 1775 Mbps |
Prevedenie: | Indoor |
POE napájanie: | Áno |
Porty | |
Počet LAN: | 1 |
Rýchlosť LAN portov (Mbps): | 10/100/1000 |
- AC adaptéry a nabíjačky
- Access pointy / controllery
- Access pointy - príslušenstvo
- Aku náradie
- Akumulátor + Nabíjačka sady
- Akumulátory
- Analógové ústredne a príslušenstvo
- AP, Backbone, CPE
- Auto adaptéry
- Batérie
- Bezpečnostné zámky
- Bluetooth adaptéry
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- Čistiace sady
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- Dátové rozvádzače
- Dátové rozvádzače - napájanie
- Dátové rozvádzače - police
- Dátové rozvádzače - ventilácia/osvetlenie
- Dátové rozvádzače - chladenie
- Dátové rozvádzače - ostatné príslušenstvo
- Dátové zásuvky
- Dokovacie stanice a replikátory
- Domáce kiná
- Domáce spotrebiče - príslušenstvo
- Drevoobrábajúce stroje
- DVB-S Karty dekodéry
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- Externé boxy pre HDD
- Filamenty
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- GPS príslušenstvo
- GPS turistické
- Grafické karty
- Grafické karty - príslušenstvo
- Grily
- Handsfree
- Herné konzoly
- Herné ovládače
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- Herné príslušenstvo
- Hifi Zosilňovače, receivre
- HiFi, Audio - prislušenstvo
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- Inštalačné náradie
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- Interaktívne systémy
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- IP kamery
- IP kamery - záznam
- IP kamery - príslušenstvo ostatné
- Káble - metráž
- Káble, redukcie
- Kamery do auta
- Kamery, kamkordéry
- Kamery - príslušenstvo ostatné
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- Kancelárska technika - spotrebný materiál
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- Klávesnica + myš (Sety)
- Klávesnice
- Kompresory
- Konektory a spojky
- Konferenčné systémy
- Konzoly a príslušenstvo
- Kosačky
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- LED Vianoce
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- Media konvertory
- Meniče napätia
- Meteostanice, interiérové teplomery
- Mikrofóny
- Mixéry, šľahače
- Monitory
- Monitory - ostatné príslušenstvo
- Multimediálne prehrávače
- Myši a polohovacie zariadenia
- Naparovače
- Náradie ostatné
- Náradie - príslušenstvo
- Notebooky
- Notebook - príslušenstvo ostatné
- Nožnice na živý plot
- Ohrievače, krby
- Ochranné fólie a privátne filtre
- Okuliare
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- Osobná starostlivosť - ostatné
- Pamäte
- Pamäťové karty
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- Patch panely príslušenstvo
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- PoE sady
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- Prepäťové ochrany
- Procesory
- Procesory - chladiče
- Projektory
- Projektory - lampy
- Projektory - príslušenstvo
- Radiče a rozširujúce karty
- Reproduktory
- Routre / firewally - bezdrôtové
- Routre / firewally - drôtové
- Routre / firewally - moduly
- Routre / firewally - licencie
- Routre / firewally - security
- Rozšírenia záruky
- Rúry
- Rýchlovarné kanvice
- Serverové skrinky
- Servery
- Servery - príslušenstvo
- Servery - Barebone
- Servery Barebone - príslušenstvo
- Servery - Blade
- Sieťové karty
- Sieťové karty - bezdrôtové
- Skenery
- Skenery - príslušenstvo
- Skrutkovače
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- Smartfóny
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- Softvér ostatní výrobcovia
- Solárne panely
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- Spotrebný materiál - pásky do ihličkových tlačiarní
- Spotrebný materiál - pásky do tlačiarní štítkov
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- Stojany a držiaky
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- Switche - desktop
- Switche - rack
- Switche - moduly
- Switche - licencie
- Switche - príslušenstvo
- Tablety
- Tablety/smartfóny - ostatné príslušenstvo
- Tašky, batohy, púzdra a kryty
- Telefóny - pevné linky
- Telefóny - pevné linky - príslušenstvo
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- Termokamery
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- Tlačiarne
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- Tlačiarne multifunkčné
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- Tlačiarne pokladničné
- Tlačiarne veľkoformátové
- Tlačiarne - príslušenstvo
- USB adaptéry a nabíjačky
- USB huby
- USB kľúče
- Vakuovačky
- Varné dosky
- Váhy
- Veľkoformátové monitory / LFD
- Ventilátory interiérové
- Ventilátory pre PC
- Vizualizéry
- Vodárne a čerpadlá
- VOIP - headsety
- VOIP - prislušenstvo
- VOIP - telefóny
- Vrátniky
- Vrátniky - príslušenstvo
- Vŕtačky, vŕtacie kladivá
- Vysávače
- Vysávače - priemyselné
- Vysávače príslušenstvo
- Výstražné samolepky
- Vzduchové náradie
- Wallboxy
- Webkamery
- Webkamery-príslušenstvo
- Wifi - ostatné
- Wifi antény
- WiFi Extendery
- Wifi konektory
- Wifi odrušovače
- Zabezpečovacia technika, alarmy a monitoring
- Záhradné náradie
- Základné dosky
- Základné dosky - príslušenstvo
- Záložné zdroje
- Záložné zdroje - príslušenstvo
- Zavlažovacie systémy
- Zubné kefky
- Zvlhčovače a čističe vzduchu
- Zvukové karty
- Žehličky, parné stanice
- Notebooky
- Počítače
- All in One počítače
- Monitory
- Veľkoformátové monitory
- +Príslušenstvo
- +Tlačiarne, spotrebný materiál
- +Tablety, smartfóny, telefóny
- +Skenery
- +Komponenty
- +Periférie k PC
- +Networking
- +Softvér
- +Servery, storage
- +Záložné zdroje, ochrany
- +Gaming - Herná zóna a VR
- +Kancelárska technika
- +Spotrebná elektronika
- +Biela technika
- +Projektory, plátna
- +Interaktívne tabule
- +Káble, redukcie, adaptéry
- +Náradie
- +Ostatné
Pobočka Bratislava
Tuhovská 33
831 06 Bratislava
Pondelok - Piatok:
od 8.30 do 17.00 hod.
E-mail: online_kontakt[at]
Recepcia: + 421 2 321 65 111
Obchodné oddelenie: + 421 2 321 65 777
Pobočka ASBIS Košice
Moldavská cesta 8/B
040 11 Košice
Pondelok - Piatok:
od 8.30 do 17.00 hod.
E-mail: online_kontakt[at]
Recepcia: + 421 55 321 65 11
Podrobnosti o produkte
Popis produktu:
Key Features
1.77 Gbps of maximum throughput
WPA3 and Enhanced Open security
Built-in technology that resolves sticky client issues for Wi-Fi 6 and Wi-Fi 5 devices
OFDMA and MU-MIMO for enhanced multi-user efficiency
IoT-ready Bluetooth 5 and Zigbee support
Standard Features
Incredible Efficiency
The 500 Series APs are also designed to optimize user experience by maximizing Wi-Fi efficiency and dramatically reducing airtime contention between clients.
Features include Orthogonal frequency-division multiple access (OFDMA), bi-directional multi-user MIMO and cellular optimization. With up to 2 spatial streams (2SS) and 80MHz channel bandwidth (HE80), the 500 Series provides groundbreaking wireless capabilities for budget-conscious deployments.
Read the Multi-User 802.11ax white paper for further information.
Advantages of OFDMA
This capability allows Aruba's APs to handle multiple Wi-Fi 6 capable clients on each channel simultaneously, regardless of device or traffic type. Channel utilization is optimized by handling each transaction via smaller sub-carriers or resource units (RUs), which means that clients are sharing a channel and not competing for airtime and bandwidth.
Aruba Air Slice™ For Extended Application Assurance
Initially, APs in controller-less mode (Instant) can provide SLA-grade performance by allocating radio resources, such as time, frequency, and spatial streams, to specific traffic types. By combining Aruba's Policy Enforcement Firewall (PEF) and Layer 7 deep packet inspection (DPI) to identify user roles and applications, the APs will dynamically allocate the bandwidth needed. Non-Wi-Fi 6 clients can also benefit.
Air Slice™ for APs uses Aruba Central for management. Controller-based APs will be supported in a future software release.
Multi-User MIMO (MU-MIMO)
The 500 Series AP supports downlink MU-MIMO just like Wi- Fi 5 (802.11ac Wave 2) APs. The added benefit is the ability to multiply the number of clients that can now send traffic, thus optimizing client-to-AP spatial stream diversity.
Wi-Fi 6 And MU-MIMO Aware Client Optimization
Aruba's patented AI-powered ClientMatch technology eliminates sticky client issues by placing Wi-Fi 6 capable devices on the best available AP. Session metrics are used to steer mobile devices to the best AP based on available bandwidth, types of applications being used and traffic type – even as users roam.
Aruba Advanced Cellular Coexistence (ACC)
This feature uses built-in filtering to automatically minimize the impact of interference from cellular networks, distributed antenna systems (DAS), and commercial small cell or femtocell equipment.
Intelligent Power Monitoring (IPM)
Aruba APs continuously monitor and report hardware energy consumption. They can also be configured to enable or disable capabilities based on available PoE power – ideal when wired switches have exhausted their power budget.
Green AP Energy Efficiency
Aruba Wi-Fi 6 APs utilize analytics from NetInsight to automatically transition in and out of a sleep mode based on client density. Learn more in the Green AP At-A-Glance.
IoT Platform Capabilities
Like all Aruba Wi-Fi 6 APs, the 500 Series includes an integrated Bluetooth 5 and 802.15.4 radio (for Zigbee support) to simplify deploying and managing IoT-based location services, asset tracking services, security solutions and IoT sensors. This allows organizations to leverage the 500 Series as an IoT platform, which eliminates the need for an overlay infrastructure and additional IT resources.
Target Wake Time (TWT)
Ideal for IoTs that communicate infrequently, TWT establishes a schedule for when clients need to communicate with an AP. This helps improve client power savings and reduces airtime contention with other clients..
Aruba Secure Infrastructure
The Aruba 500 Series includes components of Aruba's 360 Secure Fabric to help protect user authentication and wireless traffic. Select capabilities include the following.
WPA3 and Enhanced Open
Support for stronger encryption and authentication is provided via the latest version of WPA for enterprise protected networks.
Enhanced Open offers seamless new protection for users connecting to open networks where each session is automatically encrypted to protect user passwords and data on guest networks.
MPSK enables simpler passkey management for WPA2 devices – should the Wi-Fi password on one device or device type change, no additional changes are needed for other devices. Requires ClearPass Policy Manager.
VPN Tunnels
In Remote AP (RAP) and IAP-VPN deployments, the Aruba 500 Series can be used to establish a secure SSL/IPSec VPN tunnel to a Mobility Controller that is acting as a VPN concentrator.
Trusted Platform Module (TPM)
For enhanced device assurance, all Aruba APs have an installed TPM for secure storage of credentials and keys, and boot code.
Simple and Secure Access
To simplify policy enforcement, the Aruba 500 Series uses Aruba's policy enforcement firewall (PEF) feature to encapsulate all traffic from the AP to the Mobility Controller (or Gateway) for end-to-end encryption and inspection. Policies are applied based on user role, device type, applications, and location. This reduces the manual configuration of SSIDs, VLANs and ACLs. PEF also serves as the underlying technology for Aruba Dynamic Segmentation.
High-Density Connectivity
Each 500 Series AP provides connectivity for a maximum of 256 associated clients per radio (512 in total). In real-world scenarios, the maximum recommended client density is dependent on environmental conditions.
Flexible Operation and Management
A unique feature of Aruba APs is the ability to operate in either controllerless (Instant) or controller-based mode.
Controller-Less (Instant) Mode
In controllerless mode, one AP serves as a virtual controller for the entire network. Learn more about Instant mode in
this technology brief.
Mobility Controller Mode
For optimized network performance, roaming and security, APs tunnel all traffic to a mobility controller for centrally managed traffic forwarding and segmentation, data encryption, and policy enforcement. Learn more in the ArubaOS datasheet.
Management Options
Available management solutions include Aruba Central (cloud-managed) or Aruba AirWave – a multi-vendor on-premises management solution.
For large installations across multiple sites, APs can be factory-shipped and can be activated with Zero Touch Provisioning through Aruba Central or AirWave. This reduces deployment time, centralizes configuration, and helps manage inventory.ity, APs tunnel all traffic to a mobility controller for centrally managed traffic forwarding and segmentation, data encryption, and policy enforcement. Learn more in the ArubaOS datasheet.
Additional Wi-Fi Features
Each AP also includes the following standards-based technologies:
Transmit beamforming (TxBF) increases signal reliability and range
Passpoint Wi-Fi (Release 2) (Hotspot 2.0) offers seamless cellular-to-Wi-Fi carryover for guests
Dynamic Frequency Selection (DFS) optimizes use of available RF spectrum
Maximum Ratio Combining (MRC) improves receiver performance
Cyclic Delay/Shift Diversity (CDD/CSD) provides greater downlink RF performance
Space-Time Block Coding increases range and improved reception
Low-Density Parity Check (LDPC) provides a high-efficiency error correction for increased throughput
Mechanical Specifications
Dimensions/weight (AP-505; unit, excluding mount bracket):
- 160mm (W) x 161mm (D) x 37mm (H) 500g
Dimensions/weight (AP-505; shipping):
- 193mm (W) x 183mm (D) x 63mm (H) 645g
Mounting details: A mounting bracket has been pre-installed on the back of the AP. This bracket is used to secure the AP to any of the mount kits (sold separately); see the 500 Series Ordering Guide for details
Zaradenie produktu
Stránky o produkte:
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