Lenovo Professional Wireless Laser Mouse - mys

  • Lenovo Professional Wireless Laser Mouse - mys
12 Mes.
Part No.:


0.13; DPH: 20%
30.00 EUR
36.00 EUR

Podrobnosti o produkte


Popis produktu:

Features and specifications

The ThinkPad 10 Ultrabook Keyboard is a thin, mechanical keyboard that provides the optimal mobile typing experience. Connected through a custom hinge, the tablet rests at the ideal viewing angle for maximum productivity. A built-in track pad provides users a tactile way to manage and use legacy office programs and other applications. The keyboard supports two user modes: notebook mode and tablet mode (limited Model).

Features include:
•Built-in glass track pad
• Two modes: tablet mode, notebook mode
•Classic ThinkPad keyboard quality
•Storage slot for digitizer pen
•Custom fit for ThinkPad 10 Tablet

Physical specifications

Unpackaged •Approximate weight: 0.778 lb (353 g)
•Approximate height: 9.5 mm (0.37 in)
•Approximate length: 262.6 mm (10.34 in)
•Approximate width: 164.6 mm (6.48 in)

Packaged •Approximate weight: 1.34 lb (608 g)
•Approximate height: 50 mm (1.97in)
•Approximate length: 332 mm (13.07 in)
•Approximate width: 223 mm (8.78 in)

Electrical Specifications
•5 V, 100mA maximum

Physical Specifications
•Keys: 80 keys, 81 keys, or 85 keys (varies by country or region)
•Color: Black
•Product Dimensions:
? (Length x Width x Depth)
? 256.1 mm x 196.5 mm x 7.3 mm (minimum thickness)
?256.1 mm x 196.5 mm x 26 mm(Maximum thickness with the non-skid feet)

•Package Dimension: 280mm x 205mm x 35mm
•Weight: About 535 g

Technické špecifikácie sa môžu meniť bez predošlého upozornenia. Obsah aktuálneho balenia sa môže líšiť v závislosti od dátumu predaja. Obrázky majú len informatívny charakter.




Základné parametre
Druh:  Myši 
Prenos signálu:  Bezdrôtová s prijímačom 
Herná:  Nie 

Tlačidlá a koliesko
Počet tlačidiel: 

Farba:  Čierna 

Vlastnosti a funkčnosť
Maximálna citlivosť:  1600 
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